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L – Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah

E – Emmanuel

O – Omega

N – Nissi

"The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah is with us till the end fighting our battles"



Born on the 27th of June 1994, grew up in Zimbabwe till I was 13, migrated to S.A and stayed in a location called Ivory Park in Midrand Johannesburg. Got Born again on the 28th of April 2009 and got baptized in Christian Family Church (Pray Until Something Happens) a few weeks later, served as an Usher at CFC PUSH for over a Year then joined the CFC PUSH BAND (Praise and Worship Team) in July 2010 – July 2013… Lived with Fidel Emmanuel (Tsaddiq) in South Africa during that time when I was in the Praise and Worship team @ CFC PUSH, that was when he introduced me to Hip Hop Gospel formerly known as Christian Rap together with Kevin Majola also Known as K-One and Jareth Zealous also known as i.Seed (producer and founder of INK-Music) and we worked on a few stuff together until I was separated from them due to reasons such as education and family matters then I came back to Zimbabwe at the age of 19 in 2013 July. Got adopted to Tabernacle Of Grace Church in Harare, met an adorable young man named Owen Chikonyora also known as Whistle and He invited me to participate at the Bring It On Concert And Talent Show in 2013 and brought the trophy home… so that’s basically how I started my music career.


***************Vision and Mission***************

For a long time, Christian Hip-hop has been considered to be “not acceptable” in the Christian circles all because of the way hip-hop is being abused by the circular m.c’s and a lot of critics have been going on about the genre also because of some other artists who started it but manipulated and led people astray in the name of “Christian Rap” that is why God has sent not just Christian Rappers but rappers who are Christians to spread the Gospel on a faster rate targeting mostly the young adults who are in the game and also those who are still trying to find their feet.Christian Rap is mainly focused on Evangelism, spreading the Gospel because of its rhythm and groove but I am mainly focused on Worship because I got to know that “to have been given the Grace and revelation to Worship the Creator all because He is God and nothing else, that’s one of a man’s greatest honors”. This talent I have is God’s gift to me and I believe that the way I use it is my gift back to Him and I also recently found out that the use of a gift actually helps one in fulfilling their God given assignment on earth so I’m just paving my way through and it will never be about me being on the spot light or front page and not all about money, fame or competition but standing for The Truth who is Jesus Christ. Spreading The Gospel to the end of the earth is my goal for The Word says from the book of Acts 1 verse 8 “thou shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon thee and thou shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth”… so as I meditate on The Word and walk out there meeting all sorts of people especially the youth doing drugs, indulging in sexual activities and violence, it breaks my heart and pushes me on doing something, so as I do this music, I surely know that if they get to be listening to it on a daily basis, and hearing God’s word through the music, their minds will be transformed, their goals will be diverted and their hearts will be changed eventually. S/O to all my hommies out there who are running this race, Tsaddiq, Whistle, Flabbz and G.I.L(God Is Love) just to mention a few and to all Christian Rappers out there, the wise listen to advise so if you are doing this for the money, for the fame or for self centered reasons, I urge you to quit, repent and get your house in order with God because it’s all about Him, rather be humble with what you have than use God only to get What you want.

Be Blessed.

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